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Database Hosts

Database hosts allow to create per-server databases on the given host.

Database Configuration

Create Database Host user

You will need a database user with the correct permissions before continuing any further.

Run the following commands to quickly create a user for your new database host:

mysql -u root -p

# Remember to change 'yourPassword' below to be a unique password
# Replace with your panel ip if your panel and wings are on different machines
CREATE USER 'pelicanuser'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourPassword';

Allow external database access

Chances are you'll need to allow external access to this MySQL instance in order to allow servers to connect to it.

To do this, open my.cnf, which varies in location depending on your OS and how MySQL was installed. You can type find /etc -iname my.cnf to locate it.

Open my.cnf, add text below to the bottom of the file and save it:


Restart MySQL/ MariaDB to apply these changes. This will override the default MySQL configuration, which by default will only accept requests from localhost. Updating this will allow connections on all interfaces, and thus, external connections. Make sure to allow the MySQL port (default 3306) in your firewall.

Panel Configuration

In the admin area of the panel, go to "Databases" and click the "New Database Host" button.


Users will later see the host as their database endpoint. Therefore, you should set it to a public ip or FQDN and not to localhost for example.

Hit "Create" and if everything was entered correctly you should be redirected to the database host list and see your new database host.

Common issues

Connection refused: Make sure that your database server is running and that you allowed external access to your database.

Host '_______' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server: You most likely created the database user with a host and are trying to connect from a different host.

Access denied for user '_______'@'_______': You either entered a wrong password or something is wrong with the database user you entered. Make sure that the database user exists and has the required permissions.